Project thoughts and consideration
Passing through project progress and write up
- Alexi Johnson-
The goal of my project is to make people think about history and also to educate them in an entertaining manner. It is also to explore art and story through the past. My project has vastly changed over time. I have cut down episodes, changed episodes, changed formats, changed stories, and changed my art. This gave a rich learning experience to those who spoke to me. Those who did not were able to view different kinds of art influenced by history. Those who spoke to me learned more about the history of storytelling and about how I used and others can use it to teach history.
One of the most challenging parts of this project was the research. It was really hard to find first-hand accounts or books on the subject of what I was studying. Another struggle was recording the podcast itself. The final struggle I ran into was thinking and planning out the materials I needed for my art. Despite these challenges, there were rewarding aspects as well. It was really rewarding to expand my knowledge on subjects both of interest and not of interest. It was also really rewarding to hear peer feedback. The last rewarding aspect was creating my art and watching it eveole.
Both within this project and class Steam has really affected how I think and how I see the world. I have definitely developed a better personal drive and plenty of critical thinking skills. I have become more creative and outgoing. I really think these skills will be useful moving forward when talking to other professionals in the fields I want to enter. Because now I have the practice to do so.